The world of flying is now not so far away as in previous years, the trend of the world is now global integration. This will bring countries a lot of different benefits, such as the economy will grow stronger, and it will be easy to be able to move between countries … So the social networking platforms was born to bring people closer together through the internet. The current social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… Surely users also know that “Facebook” has a separate application for messaging, which is Facebook Messenger. But many users reflect that the popular social networks now cannot guarantee the safety and privacy of users.But the Telegram app is one of the top choices for using social networks safely. This application has been rated by many famous newspapers around the world as the safest social networking platform today. But if Facebook then has Facebook Messenger to be more convenient in messaging. Telegram will also have its application for messaging, which is known as Plus Messenger produced by Rafalense. This is an application specially designed to support users of Telegram. The app will help users more efficiently in their messaging.The message response speed of the application is almost instant; just text the other person will receive the message immediately without any delay. The processing speed of user actions is extremely fast, a lot more quickly when compared to “Facebook Messenger”. When users use this application, there will be no delays at all, and all will be handled extremely well. Users will be free to message people with the fastest speed to get the best experience when messaging.Because the application is developed to serve the messaging needs of users, “Telegram” so this application will also have a level of security not inferior to “Telegram”. When users text, they will be able to message some other important information to exchange work with each other. Or when users create an account, they will have to provide some information to the publisher so that they can identify users. But for some other applications, hackers can take advantage of this to steal users’ information. But when users text using this application, hackers will not be able to reach users to steal data. All thanks to the extremely high level of security, the app provides to protect users. Users can also choose whether or not to hide their information on the profile.Users can use this application to create groups at work or have fun … When users create groups, users are also allowed to choose the topics of this conversation to be able to facilitate the exchange. Users can also select the background of the conversation to suit the group’s theme. If the user is the creator of this group, the user can perform actions such as deleting or adding members. Each group can have up to 200 members can join together to be able to exchange with each other.Many people do not use their images to make avatars that make many people easily confused. But this will not be possible if the user uses this application because the application allows users to customize other people’s avatars easily. Users will no longer be confused with others, making conversation easier.This is also the unique feature of the application, making users get more unique experiences. Users can choose a lot of things for this application, which is the theme. The app provides users with more than 2000 different themes and is changed daily for users to choose from. Users can also customize many other things, including things like font size, icon size …“Plus Messenger” not only get the top features “Telegram” as high security, free, fast processing speed .. users, will experience the best experience. But the application also has many but its great features for users to use in messaging, helping users to have moments of fun chatting. Users will not regret downloading the application.
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